Hiring A Lawyer For A Cruise Ship Injury

This guide will explore how a cruise ship injury lawyer could help you make a personal injury claim. As well as this, we’ll be exploring the steps you could make when claiming for a cruise ship accident. If you’ve been involved in an accident on a cruise ship that was caused by third-party negligence, then you may be able to use the services of a lawyer to help you make a claim.

Further down in this guide, we’ll be exploring how injuries happen whilst on cruise ships and how a duty of care is owed to you whilst onboard. 

We’ll be discussing what negligence is and explaining how negligence shown by a third party may cause your injury whilst on a cruise ship. If you can prove that this was the case, then you may be able to make a claim. 

If you’re interested in beginning your public place claim, you can talk to our legal advisors with the contact information below. Providing you have a valid claim, you could be put in touch with a lawyer from our panel. You can: 

  • Contact us through our website
  • Call us on 020 8050 2736
  • Chat with one of our legal advisors by using the live chat feature on our website
Cruise ship injury lawyer

Cruise ship injury lawyer guide

Choose A Section

  1. A Guide To Hiring A Cruise Ship Injury Lawyer
  2. How To Find The Cruise Ship Injury Lawyer That’s Right For You
  3. Why Use Our Panel Of No Win No Fee Lawyers To Claim?
  4. When Are You Eligible To Claim For A Cruise Ship Accident?
  5. Potential Evidence You Could Use In A Personal Injury Claim
  6. What Could You Recieve From An Accident In A Public Place?
  7. Learn More About How To Hire A Cruise Ship Injury Lawyer

A Guide To Hiring A Cruise Ship Injury Lawyer

This guide focuses on hiring a lawyer when claiming after a cruise ship accident. We will outline the value you could receive in compensation after a successful claim, as well as look at the eligibility criteria that apply to claims. 

It’s important to note that in order to make a successful personal injury claim, you’ll have to prove that your injury was caused by third-party negligence. We’ll discuss this in further detail below.

Not all injuries on a cruise ship will be grounds for a personal injury claim. For example, you might be involved in an accident that was caused by your own misconduct; in this case, you’d be unable to claim.

If you have any further questions or are interested in finding a cruise ship injury lawyer for your claim, don’t hesitate to contact us using the details above. 

How To Find The Cruise Ship Injury Lawyer That’s Right For You

To make a claim, you don’t necessarily require a lawyer’s services. However, It can be advantageous to do so. Below is a list of just some of the many benefits you’ll see from hiring the services of a lawyer:

  • Help build your case.
  • Collect and collate evidence.
  • Take statements from witnesses who may help with the validity of your claim.
  • Keep you updated on the status of your claim. 
  • Provide you with an indication of what you could receive should your claim be successful.

You might find a lawyer that specialises in these types of cases through a multitude of different ways. For example: 

  • Word of mouth (from family and friends)
  • Advertisements
  • By searching online for a lawyer that works your type of case
  • Online reviews
  • Reputation

Finding the right lawyer for you can be a daunting process to navigate alone. If you choose to get in touch with our legal advisors, then they’ll provide you with the services of a cruise ship injury lawyer that’s right for you.

Why Use Our Panel Of No Win No Fee Lawyers To Claim?

If you choose to use one of our panel of lawyers, you’ll have the option to use a type of No Win No Fee agreement called a Conditional Fee Agreement. Not all lawyers will offer their services in this way, but this kind of agreement can be financially beneficial. Working with a No Win No Fee lawyer can mean that:

  • You won’t usually have to pay any upfront or ongoing legal fees when using their services.
  • In the event that you’re not awarded compensation, you usually won’t pay your employer for the work that they have done. 
  • The success fee you’ll pay in the event of a successful claim is legally capped and taken from your compensation before reaching you. The proportion of this compensation taken will be agreed upon before you agree to use the lawyer’s services.

If you’re interested in learning more about these services, then get in touch with us using the contact details above.

When Are You Eligible To Claim For A Cruise Ship Accident?

All cruise ship operators will have a duty of care to ensure that passengers travel safely whilst on their ships. There are two main pieces of legislation that could entitle you to claim compensation for an accident on a cruise ship: 

  • The Athens Convention 2002  allows claimants to claim for personal injury that was sustained onboard a vessel and that occurred because of negligence on the part of the carrier 
  • The Package Travel and Linked Arrangements Regulations 2018 allows you to claim against the company you booked your holiday through if you are on a package holiday and you’re injured as a result of negligence. A package holiday is one where you book two or more parts of your trip in a single transaction.

In order for you to claim compensation for an accident on a cruise ship, you’ll need to show that negligence was the cause of the accident in which you were injured. For example:

  • You slipped on a wet floor because a wet floor sign was not put out to warn you of a hazard
  • You experience food poisoning while eating on a cruise because they disregarded food safety standards in a cruise ship restaurant
  • You sustained a hand injury because there was a hot surface with no warning sign, meaning that you touched it and sustained a burn injury
  • You fall from a height and sustain a head injury because of a broken railing on one of the upper floors

If you would like guidance on claiming compensation for a personal injury, speak with our team today. You could be connected with a cruise ship injury lawyer from our panel.

Potential Evidence You Could Use In A Personal Injury Claim

In order to claim successfully, you’ll need to illustrate that your injury was caused by third-party negligence and how you were affected. You’ll need sufficient evidence in order to do this. Potential evidence that can help support your claim includes:

  • Witness contact details so that they can provide a statement at a later date. 
  • Obtaining CCTV footage of the accident, if it exists.
  • Getting medical care and keeping hold of any copies of the records produced. 
  • Keeping a diary of your treatment and any symptoms that you develop.

If you work with a cruise ship injury lawyer from our panel, then they could help you in the process of collecting evidence. They can also use their experience to make sure that all aspects of your claim are addressed. Speak with an advisor today for free legal advice. 

What Could You Recieve From An Accident In A Public Place?

General damages compensation will be awarded in a successful cruise ship injury claim. This head of claim aims to compensate you for the pain, suffering and loss of amenity that your injuries have caused you.

Below is a table detailing compensation brackets from the Judicial College Guidelines; solicitors use these to help assign a value to claims.

Note that these figures are not guaranteed. This is due to the many different variables that are taken into account when valuing general damages. 

Arm Injury£39,170 - £59,860(B) Injuries Resulting in Permanent and Substantial Disablement: Serious fractures to either one or both forearms where there's significant residual disability.
Arm Injury£19,200 - £39,170(c) Less Severe Injury: Whilst there were severe injuries causing disability, a large degree of recovery has taken place, or is expected to do so.
Leg Injury£39,200 - £54,830(b) Serious (iii): Serious fractures resulting in a prolonged treatment, and a lengthy period of being unable to bear weight on the leg.
Leg Injury£17,960 - £27,760(c) Less Serious Leg Injuries (i): This bracket involves serious soft tissue injuries, or fracture injuries. In the case of the latter, the person will be left with impaired mobility, a limp, loss of sensation, discomfort or exacerbation of a pre-existing condition.
Injury to Pelvis and/or hips£26,590 - £39,170(b) Moderate (i): Significant injury to the pelvis or hip, but without major permanent disability, and future risk isn't great.
Wrist Injury£24,500 - £39,170(b) Injury that results in permanent disability, but there is some useful movement remaining.
Back Injury£27,760 - £38,780(b) Moderate (i): Cases where there is continuous pain, and probability that spinal fusion is inevitable. Symptoms include nerve root irritation and reduced mobility
Injury to the Elbow£15,650 - £32,010(b) Less Severe Injuries: Injuries causing a lack of function, but not involving any major surgery or disability.
Knee Injury£14,840 - £26,190(b) Moderate (i): Injuries which result in minor instability, wasting, weakness, or other mild future disability.
Shoulder Injury£7,890 - £12,770 (c) Moderate: Frozen shoulder with limited movement and the presence of discomfort; symptoms persist for about two years.

Special Damages In A Cruise Ship Accident Claim

Special damages is another potential head of claim, and it aims to compensate you for any financial losses you may have experienced because of your injuries. This could include:

  • Care costs 
  • Loss of earnings
  • Modifications to your home that you need because of your injuries

Similarly to general damages, you’ll have to provide evidence to receive compensation for these financial losses. This could include receipts, invoices, or bank statements, for example.

A cruise ship injury lawyer could help you with the process of collecting evidence for special damages. Speak with us today to see if you could be connected with a No Win No Fee solicitor from our panel.

Contact Us For Free To See If You Could Recieve Personal Injury Claim Compensation

You can contact us for free to get a consultation in relation to your claim at any point. Our cruise ship injury lawyers have years of experience and, providing you have a valid claim, would be happy to help you proceed. Get in touch with us by using the following information: 

  • Contact us through our website
  • Call us on 020 8050 2736
  • Chat with one of our legal advisors by using the live chat feature on our website.

Learn More About How To Hire A Cruise Ship Injury Lawyer

Below, we have included some links to more of our guides that you might find useful:

Below are some external links you can follow to research more:

Thank you for reading this guide on using a cruise ship injury lawyer to make a claim. If you have any other questions, please get in touch using the details provided above.