Speeding Offences In The UK

On this page, you can find the results of our research into speeding offences in the UK. If you have any questions or would like to request a copy of the raw data, please contact us.

Why We Began Our Research Into Speeding Offences And Fines

Speeding is one of the most common offences that causes road traffic accidents. Excessive speeding may prevent a driver from quickly reacting to a dangerous situation. It also reduces the effectiveness of road safety structures, including crash cushions and guardrails, which protect drivers and passengers in an accident.

Our research delves into the severity of speeding offences and reveals just how common they are around the UK. We also deduce the financial impact of speeding offences on motorists.

Speeding Offences In The UK: Methodology

We submitted Freedom of Information requests to all police forces in the country.

In our request, we asked for the number of fines issued for speeding, the total cost of those fines and the number of points issued to drivers.


Below, you can find the results for each area of the country.


Wiltshire Speeding Offences Infographic Statistics

A total of 871 fixed penalty notices were issued for speeding offences in Wiltshire this year.

The cost of the fixed penalty notices between November 2022 to November 2023 amounted to £87,100 while 2,613 points were also handed out.

It comes after Wiltshire Police vowed to tackle dangerous driving during a summer road safety campaign.

Data obtained from Wiltshire Police further revealed that 87 drivers were prosecuted for speeding offences in the same period.

In addition, 5,943 drivers were offered or accepted retrained courses as a result of speeding.

Greater Manchester

Manchester Police issued speeding fines netting over £3million in the last year.

Greater Manchester Police have handed out more than £3 million worth of fines to motorists as a result of speeding offences in the last year, new data from PersonalInjuryClaimsUK.org.uk  has found. 

Figures obtained from the force confirmed that a total of 30,763 fines were handed to motorists as a result of speed cameras between November 1 2022 to November 1 2023.

Given that each Fixed Penalty Notice is £100, the total cost of these fines amounts to £3,076,300, according to Greater Manchester Police (GMP).


More than £1million worth of speeding fines were handed out by Bedfordshire Police in the last year.

Figures obtained from the force confirmed that a total of 11,084 fines were handed to motorists as a result of speed cameras between November 1 2022 to October 31 2023.

Given that each Fixed Penalty Notice is £100, the total cost of these fines amounts to £1,108,400, according to Bedfordshire Police.


Cumbria Police have handed out more than £3 million worth of fines to motorists as a result of speeding offences in the last year.

A total of 30,661 fines were handed to motorists as a result of speed cameras between November 1 2022 to November 1 2023.

This means that around 28 speeding offences happen each day in Cumbria. 

The total cost of these fines amounts to £3,066,100 according to Cumbria Constabulary.


Durham Police have give out a total of £1, 249,500 worth of speeding fines in the last year.

The force issued 12, 463 fines to motorists as a result of speeding offences between November 1, 2022 and November 1, 2023.

Hampshire & Isle of Wight

Hampshire & Isle of Wight Police have handed out more than £1.5 million worth of fines to motorists as a result of speeding offences in the last year, according to our latest research.

Figures show that a total of 16, 002 fines were handed to motorists as a result of speed cameras between November 1 2022 to November 1 2023.

Given that each Fixed Penalty Notice is £100, the total cost of these fines amounts to £1,600,200 according to Hampshire & Isle of Wight Constabulary.

What’s more, the figure could be even higher given that the force also issues speeding drivers a combine offer of either attending a retraining course or paying a fixed penalty fine. 

During the last year, the force issued a whopping 30,775 combined offers.


Leicestershire Police have received a whopping £1,125,405 from speeding drivers who attend a course. 

The force gets £45 for each driver they refer to a Speed Awareness Course following a speeding offence. 

25,009 drivers were referred in the last year from November 1, 2022 to November 1, 2023, according to Leicestershire Police. 

The force has also handed out more than £1.2 million worth of fines to motorists as a result of Fixed Penalty speeding fines, which are paid directly to the HM treasury. 

123,23 speeding fines were issued last year which netted a total of £1, 232,300. 

In total, there were 40,740 notices of intended prosecutions handed out in Leicestershire last year as a result of speed cameras, figures obtained from the force confirmed. 

A further 3,408 offences have been or are to be dealt with in court where further fines may be handed out. 

Thames Valley

Thames Valley have handed out nearly £4.5million worth of fines to motorists as a result of speeding offences in the last year.

Figures obtained from the force confirmed that a total of 44,936 Fixed Penalty Fines were handed to motorists as a result of speed cameras between November 1 2022 to November 1 2023.

This means that an average of 41 speeding offences happen each day in Thames Valley. 

Given that each Fixed Penalty Notice is £100, the total cost of these fines amounts to £4, 493,600 according to Thames Valley Police.

West Mercia

West Mercia Police have handed out nearly £3million worth of fines to motorists as a result of speeding offences in the last year.

Figures obtained from the force confirmed that a whopping total of 29,485 Fixed Penalty Fines were handed to motorists as a result of speed cameras between November 1 2022 to November 1 2023.

This means that an average of 27 speeding offences happen each day in Thames Valley. 

Given that each Fixed Penalty Notice is £100, the total cost of these fines amounts to £2,948,500 according to West Mercia Police.


Warwickshire Police have handed drivers £3.5million worth of speeding fines in the last 12 months.

Figures obtained from the force confirm that a staggering total of 173,769 Fixed Penality Notices were handed to motorists as a results of speed cameras between November 1, 2022 to November 1, 2023.

Of those drivers who opted to pay the £100 fine plus 3 points on their licence, the total sum paid amounts to a whopping £3,497,700.

Suffolk Constabulary

 Suffolk Speeding Offences Infographic Statistics

Around 113 speeding offences happen each day in Suffolk.

Figures obtained from Suffolk Constabulary confirmed that 41,323 speeding offences were detected by fixed cameras and mobile vans from November 2022 to November 2023.

On average, mobile vans were 64% more effective in detecting speeding offences than fixed cameras.

Out of those offences, 10,976 resulted in the force handing out Fixed Penalty Fines, costing a total of £1,097,600 to offending motorists.

The figure was much less than penalties paid out by speeding offenders in Norfolk, where the total cost of Fixed Penalty Fines amounted to £1,281,800.

Further data obtained from Suffolk Constabulary revealed that 2,553 motorists had been prosecuted for speeding offences in the same period.

This was much lower than the 2,898 speeding offenders prosecuted by Norfolk Constabulary.

However, Norfolk Constabulary reported a higher number of speeding offences with a total of 51,691 incidents. 

Norfolk Constabulary

Norfolk Speeding Offences Infographic Statistics

Around 141 speeding offences happen each day in Norfolk.

Figures obtained from Norfolk Constabulary confirmed that 51,691 speeding offences were detected by fixed cameras and mobile vans from November 2022 to November 2023.

On average, mobile vans were 20% more effective in detecting speeding offences than fixed cameras.

Out of those offences, 12,818 resulted in the force handing out Fixed Penalty Fines, costing a total of £1,281,800 to offending motorists.

The figure was much higher than penalties paid out by speeding offenders in Suffolk, where the total cost of Fixed Penalty Fines amounted to £1,097,600.

Further data obtained from Norfolk Constabulary revealed that 2,898 motorists had been prosecuted for speeding offences in the same period.

This was much higher than the 2,553 speeding offenders prosecuted by Suffolk Constabulary.

However, Suffolk Constabulary reported a smaller number of speeding offences with a total of 41,323 incidents.

Sussex Police

Sussex Speeding Offences Infographic Statistics

Sussex Police have handed out over £2m worth of fines to motorists as a result of speeding offences in the last year.

Figures obtained from Sussex Police confirmed that a total of 20,549 Fixed Penalty Notices were given out between November 2022 to November 2023.

This works out as around 56 speeding fines being handed out each day in Sussex.

Given that each Fixed Penalty Notice is £100, if all those fines issued are paid, the total cost of these fines would amount to £2,054,900. 

The number of fines handed out by Sussex Police dwarfs that handed out by Wiltshire Police, who issued just 871 Fixed Penalty Notices in the same period.

Northumbria Police

Northumbria Speeding Offences Infographic Statistics

Northumbria Police have handed out over £4.3m worth of fines to motorists as a result of speeding offences in the last year.

Figures obtained from the force confirmed that a total of 43,805 Fixed Penalty Notices were given out between November 2022 to November 2023.

This works out as around 120 speeding fines being handed out each day in Northumbria.

Given that each Fixed Penalty Notice is £100, if all those fines issued are paid, the total cost of these fines would amount to £4,380,500.

Humberside Police

Humberside Speeding Offences Infographic Statistics

Humberside Police have handed out over £1.3m worth of fines to motorists as a result of speeding offences in the last year.

Figures obtained from the force confirmed that a total of 13,544 Fixed Penalty Notices were given out between November 2022 to November 2023.

This works out as around 37 speeding fines being handed out each day in areas overlooked by Humberside Police.

Given that each Fixed Penalty Notice is £100, if all those fines issued are paid, the total cost of these fines would amount to £1,354,400.

Although 13,544 Fixed Penalty Fines were handed out, a total of 48,718 speeding offences were detected on speed cameras.


Surrey Speeding Offences Infographic Statistics

Over 100,000 offences have been detected by speed cameras in Surrey during the last year.

Figures obtained from Surrey Police via a Freedom of Information request confirmed that 116,082 first Notice of Intended Prosecution letters had been sent out as a result of excess speed offences between November 2022 to November 2023.

The figure suggests that around 318 speed offences take place each day in Surrey.

However, out of those fined, just 26,541 have paid a £100 fixed penalty.

This brings the cost of fines to offending motorists to a total of £2,654,100.


Kent Speeding Offences Infographic Statistics

Speeding fines have cost offending motorists in Kent over £1.4m the last year.

Figures obtained from Kent Police via a Freedom of Information request found that 14,361 fixed penalties had been handed out for speeding offences since November 2022. 

The total costs of fines, which are set at £100 each, amounted to £1,436,100.

However, the number of intended prosecutions issued to motorists reached 73,885 in the same period.

North Wales

North Wales Speeding Offences Infographic Statistics

North Wales Police have handed out over £6.2m worth of fines to motorists as a result of speeding offences in the last year.

Figures obtained from the force confirmed that a total of 62,949 Fixed Penalty Notices were given out between November 2022 to November 2023.

This works out as around 172 speeding fines being handed out each day in North Wales.

Given that each Fixed Penalty Notice is £100, if all those fines issued are paid, the total cost of these fines would amount to £6,294,900.

It comes after the Welsh Government introduced a 20mph default limit on most roads in Wales earlier this year in a bid to tackle speeding motorists.